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Kentucky Child Care Training | Care Courses

National Childcare Credentials in Kentucky          

Use our courses toward a CDA Credential and for NAC and CDA renewal.

Click for more information: National Child Care Credentials

Click to learn how a CDA Credential can benefit you in Kentucky.

Kentucky Childcare Training Requirements

All Care Courses are approved by ECE-TRIS for early care and education training clock hours. This includes annual training clock hours for those who work in Family Child Care Homes, Type I Child Care Centers and Type II Child Care Centers. All Care Courses are also approved for annual training for directors, staff and providers.

All Care Courses are listed on the Early Care and Education Training Records Information System (ECE-TRIS) website here. To verify approval within ECE-TRIS, first click the “Calendar” then select “Independent Study and Web-Based Trainings” and search the course title.

Opening a child care facility in Kentucky

For those of you interested in starting a day care or home-based child care facility in Kentucky, please contact your state licensing agency using the contact information below. The licensing agency can give you advice on the requirements, rules and regulations of your state.

Kentucky Cabinet for Health and Family Services (CHFS)

Division of Regulated Child Care
Phone: (502) 564-7962
CHFS contact form

What our Kentucky students say

Image for childcare training course
"I loved my Care Courses books. It was very informative information that will be extremely useful for my day-to-day involvement with the 4 year olds in my care. Everyone was extremely helpful when I would call and the books came to my house promptly. Thank you so much. You all made it easy to receive my CEUs and to further my education."

- Louisville, Kentucky
"I ordered [CDA training] for one of my staff and she is on her way to a CDA!”

- Clay City, Kentucky