Toddlers in Child Care | Learning Outcomes

20 Clock Hours / 2.0 CEUs / $60.00

Lesson 1: Physical Development  

After completing Lesson 1, you will be able to

  • identify milestones of physical development in toddlers and how toddlers progress along the path of physical development;
  • describe how you can support toddlers’ physical development with the choices of play materials and activities that you offer at your program;
  • identify toddlers’ nutritional needs;
  • describe appropriate procedures for healthy food preparation and safe food handling;
  • recognize signs and symptoms of toddlers’ food allergies.

Lesson 2: Cognitive Development and Language Development  

After completing Lesson 2, you will be able to

  • identify milestones of cognitive development in toddlers and recognize how toddlers progress along the path of cognitive development;
  • discuss the importance of caregiver interactions, play, and learning materials in fostering toddlers’ cognitive development;
  • identify milestones of language development in toddlers and recognize how toddlers progress along the path of language development;
  • discuss the benefits of sign language and how you can foster toddlers’ language development.

Lesson 3: Social–Emotional Development

After completing Lesson 3, you will be able to

  • identify milestones of social–emotional development in toddlers and recognize how toddlers progress along the path of social–emotional development;
  • explain how self-esteem impacts toddlers’ social–emotional development and identify ways you can show them that they are valued;
  • discuss the importance of understanding each toddler’s individual temperament in order to support their social–emotional development;
  • explain how you can support toddlers who experience anger, frustration, or fear;
  • describe positive guidance techniques to help toddlers develop self-regulation and make appropriate behavior choices

Lesson 4: A Caring Environment for Toddlers

After completing Lesson 4, you will be able to

  • explain how you can make your child care program a caring environment for toddlers and their families;
  • describe how to introduce toddlers to the program and support them and their parents through separation anxiety;
  • recognize the importance of the contributions parents as partners with caregivers can make to toddlers’ learning and how to encourage two-way communication and parent involvement;
  • discuss methods of keeping in touch and partnering with parents, including caregiver-parent conferences, home visits, and group meetings.

Lesson 5: The Learning Environment

After completing Lesson 5, you will be able to

  • describe how to create learning opportunities that promote toddlers’ exploration;
  • discuss the benefits of intentional caregiving and thoughtful planning for children’s learning;
  • describe the appropriate procedures for diapering toddlers;
  • describe how you can support toddlers through the toilet learning process.

Lesson 6: A Safe Environment

After completing Lesson 6, you will be able to

  • identify the elements of a safe indoor and outdoor environment for toddlers in your program;
  • discuss the importance of being prepared for emergencies;
  • describe your role in mitigating the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) in toddlers’ lives;
  • identify ways to recognize instances of child abuse and neglect, steps to take for reporting child abuse and neglect, and ways to support toddlers who have suffered abuse and neglect.

*Learning outcomes are measurable statements that let you know what you will be able to do as a result of successfully completing this course.

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