Learning Outcomes for Infants in Child Care

Lesson 1: Infants' Physical Development

After completing Lesson 1, you will be able to

  • describe the stages of infants’ physical development, including motor skills, sight, hearing, taste, and smell;
  • discuss infant feeding, including the importance of breastfeeding, introduction of solid foods, and food safety.

Lesson 2: Language and Cognitive Development

After completing Lesson 2, you will be able to

  • recognize stages of language development in infants;
  • discuss ways to support infants’ language development;
  • describe how infants progress along the path of cognitive development and the importance of play.

Lesson 3: Infants’ Social–Emotional Development

After completing Lesson 3, you will be able to

  • describe the stages of infants’ social–emotional development, including how infants develop a sense of self;
  • discuss the type of caregiver interactions and guidance that build infants’ self-esteem and self-regulation;
  • explain how infants’ temperaments and behavioral states affect their behavior, and how to comfort distressed infants.

Lesson 4: A Caring Environment

After completing Lesson 4, you will be able to

  • explain the importance of caregiver-infant interactions;
  • discuss the significance of your relationship with infants’ parents and how you can support them and their children with separation anxiety;
  • explain appropriate approaches to diapering.

Lesson 5: A Learning Environment

After completing Lesson 5, you will be able to

  • identify elements of an appropriate curriculum for infants and discuss how infants learn;
  • describe how you would select toys and activities for infants and indicate the way they promote infants’ development.

Lesson 6: A Safe Environment

After completing Lesson 6, you will be able to

  • identify the elements of a safe indoor and outdoor environment in an infant care program, including safe equipment, clean air, and minimizing exposure to lead;
  • discuss the importance of being prepared for emergencies and recognizing the risk factors for Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS);
  • indicate the causes and signs of Abusive Head Trauma (AHT) and the impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in infants’ lives.

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